Hello from GE Free Northland

GE Free NZ Tai Tokerau action alert!! Kill the Bill !!

Posted on Feb 15, 2025

Make a submission opposing the undemocratic and extreme proposals in the Gene Technology Bill

GE Free Northland (in food & environment) Action alert!

Kia ora koutou

Please circulate widely- help us oppose the undemocratic and extreme proposals in the Gene Technology Bill.
The National Party Science Minister quietly released the Bill just a few days before Christmas 2024, hoping we wouldn't notice.
(..and remove all ethical considerations and the Precautionary approach in the process)

Unregulated Gene Editing threatens people, animals, our biosecurity, wider environment, farmers, economy, and export markets.

Are you ready to take action against the government's plans to de-regulate outdoor GE/GMOs in Aotearoa?

How to make a submission in response to controversial Gene Technology Bill

Needs to be done online, Have your say! Deadline: 11:55pm, this Monday 17 February 2025

Go to:

Guide to submissions
Have your say

GE FREE NZ submission guide

Organics Aotearoa NZ GE Free Future

Additional resources:

Green Party NZ submission guide



Stand up for local councils and communities- together we can Kill the Bill!

More info: Martin Robinson, GE Free Tai Tokerau Tel. 09 407 8650 Mob: 027 347 8048

Gene tech bill “a slap in the face to farmers, experts”

Posted on Feb 14, 2025


Mt Somers farmer Duncan Humm said the bill is a “slap in the face - to farmers, agronomists and experts.”
“We’ve got to think of what New Zealand has achieved while other countries have gone down that [gene editing] road.
“We are the best of the best in a lot of areas, and we haven’t had to use that tech.”
The NZ Farming content curator said farmers cannot afford to experiment with their income and livelihood.
“There’s no hardcore evidence to suggest anything is practical or feasible with this technology.
“So it seems like one hell of a gamble on something that’s completely unproven.
“Agriculture in New Zealand is worth something like $56 billion in exports, so why would you gamble all of that on something that might not work?”

Find out all about GE FREE Northland

According to an independent study by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER), New Zealand’s primary sector exports could be reduced by $10 - $20 billion annually, if GMOs were to be released into the environment.
The report was commissioned by Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ) to evaluate the cost of proposed regulatory changes governing gene technology.
OANZ says that the costs, as well as supposed benefits of deregulating gene technology, need to be carefully considered.

The NZIER study authors note that the proposed changes to the regulations as outlined by Wellington bureaucrats at the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE),
do not include a Regulatory Impact Statement, economic assessment, cost-benefit analysis or address the practicality of "co-existence" of GE and non GE crops..given the known vectors for GMO contamination (seeds, pollen, vegetative material, soils, waterways, machinery, animals, insects, extreme weather events).

The report was commissioned by Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ) to evaluate the cost of proposed regulatory changes governing gene technology.
OANZ says that the costs, as well as supposed benefits of deregulating gene technology, need to be carefully considered.

26 November 2024 OANZ media release

Media Statement: "NZ exports risk multi-billion dollar hit if GMO rules deregulated"


"OANZ's commissioned NZIER Economic Report that clearly highlights the economic risks to the country" (26 November 2024)


26 November 2024 NZ Farmers Weekly

Gene shift could cost exporters billions: report
"Researchers flag lack of research from MBIE on financial impact of opening doors to gene editing."

29 August 2024

"Let's cut the crap on gene technology"
by Professor Jack Heinemann


Summary recommendations for the Gene Technology Bill- by Physicians & Scientists for Global Responsibility (NZ) .


11 Feb 2025 • Ashburton Guardian

Gene tech bill “a slap in the face to farmers, experts”


Concerned Farmers NZ


30 January 2025

"The Risks of GMO Deregulation to NZ Farmers"


"There is no ban on gene technology in NZ. This misleading hyperbole is used to obscure a failure to engineer products that will have a market or social value that exceeds the cost of compliance with reasonable regulations."

  • Professor Jack Heinemann, Genetics/ Molecular Biology, Canterbury University, and director- Centre for Integrated Research in Biosafety
National Party previous attempts to strip local councils of their authority and jurisdiction, falsely claiming that council plans (Northland, Auckland, Hawke's Bay, etc) prohibited ethical and humane medical research in the laboratory

Radio NZ 2 September 2016
"Environment Minister accused of GMO beat-up"


"Minister eyes law change to end councils' control over GMOs"

Northern Advocate

5 September 2016


Recent youtube video:

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